Solveig Gade, PhD, is Associate Professor in Dramaturgy, at the Department for Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University. She has published on political engagement and experimental dramaturgies in contemporary theatre and performance in journals such as TDR/The Drama Review, Performance Research (forthcoming), The Journal of War and Culture Studies, Diffractions, and Peripeti.
Her current research project centres on “war-critical” strategies in contemporary documentary theatre, dance and visual art, and she is involved in two collective four-year research projects on conflict and art. Between 2008 and 2014 she served as a dramaturge at The Royal Danish Theatre, where she collaborated with directors such as Michael Thalheimer, Christian Lollike, and Elisa Kragerup. She serves on the advisory editorial board of Performance Research and the board of the Danish journal Peripeti.