Sílvia Ferrando is a stage director, actress and playwright with works directed and premiered in Spain (Teatre Lliure, Festival de Temporada Alta de Girona, Sitges Festival Internacional, Sala Muntaner…), Switzerland, Argentina, Mexico and Egypt. She’s got a PhD on Scenic Arts (“Caryl Churchill’s dramaturgies. The world and its shadows”).
She holds a degree in Dramaturgy and Stage Direction from Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and a degree in Mathematics from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Since 2007, she teaches in the three different artistic degrees of Dramatic Art (acting, scenic direction and dramaturgy, and scenography) at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona (Spain). She was head of Dramaturgy and Scenic Direction from 2013 to 2016 and now she is in charge of the Area of Research and Innovation at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona.