Katharina Pewny is Professor of Performance Studies at Ghent University since 2009. A former research fellow at the University of California, at Free University Berlin and at the University of Hamburg, she specializes in the ethics and aesthetics of contemporary theatre, performance and dance. One of her funded research projects is a dance-sociological approach to the precarious working and living-conditions of contemporary dancers in Brussels and Berlin.

Katharina Pewny is a funding convener of the Working Group Dramaturgy within the German Society for Theatre Research (2008-), that has now 57 members in 7 European countries. Together with Inge Arteel (Free University Brussels) and Kornee van der Haven (UGent), she convenes the Joint Research Group THALIA. Interplay of Theatre, Literature and Media in Performance; and together with Christel Stalpaert (Ghent University), she is a director of the research group S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts and Media). Her current research projects span Greek tragedy as well as contemporary theatre, dance and performance.

Currently she is working on: Multilingual theatre texts by migrated authors (with Yana Meerzon from Ottawa University) and Spirituality and/in European Theatre (monograph).

