Election of the board of the European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (EASTAP)
According to the Constitution of EASTAP, new board members have to be elected in spring 2022. Due to the pandemic the election has been delayed, which means that all members of the board have to be elected.
The board consists of 20 members. However, the membership secretary and two editors of the journal are appointed and not elected; two artists will be invited by the new board and are thus not elected either. Two members are to represent student members and are therefore elected by the student members of EASTAP. This means that
– 13 ordinary members have to be elected (by ordinary members) for 4 years
– 2 student members have to be elected (by student members) for 2 years.
The procedures of the election process include nominations, presentations, and voting. These procedures are identical for ordinary and student members.
Nominations and Eligibility
- Each member of EASTAP can nominate a candidate – either him or herself or any other member who agrees to be nominated. EASTAP does not discriminate based on race, colour, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, age, religion, or disability status. The Election Committee wants to encourage nominations from many fields of interest as well as from a multitude of countries.
- You may nominate non-members who are willing to join the organization.
- Please check with the nominee before moving forward with the nomination process.
- Members of the present board, except the President, can be re-elected.
- Current Board members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms as the representative for the same position.
- To become a candidate, the Election Committee needs to receive the completed nomination form by following this link: opening on 25 January 2022, at 12 noon:
and it must be received no later than 25 March 2022, 11.55 am.
- It is important that all information in the form is carefully completed. In particular we want to direct your attention to the list of duties (proposed role) of which the candidate has to check at least one. Individual members may be assigned other duties and serve on various subcommittees as required.
- The short statement (max. 250 words) should contain a summary of scholarly interests and personal achievements as well as a brief declaration of what the candidate can contribute to the board if elected. To validate the nominations each candidate needs to be supported by 10 members of EASTAP. The Election Committee has decided that it is sufficient to list the names and e-addresses to the supporting members in the form. Without a correctly completed form the nomination is not valid.
Each candidate will be presented on the webpage of EASTAP by name, affiliation, proposed role and short statement and whether the candidate is a student or ordinary member. These presentations remain on the webpage until the election process is concluded.
The online election will be open to all current members. The voting process can begin as soon as all the candidates are properly presented. A list of the ordinary and the student candidates respectively will be provided to all members (ballot paper). Each member has a maximum of 13 votes as an ordinary member and 2 votes as a student member.
The completed ballot paper is sent to the chair of the Election Committee. The membership status will be confirmed by the membership secretary. All the ballot paper will be anonymized, and the counting of the votes will be carried out by all members of the Committee.
The ballot paper has to be sent to
Willmar Sauter
no later than 15 May 2022, i.e., one week before the Milano conference 23-25 May 2022.
According to the Constitution, no more than two persons from the same country can be elected (this refers to the country in which a person lives and works, not the country of origin). The Election Committee will see to it that this regulation is respected.
The result of the election will be announced during the Milano conference as well as on the webpage of EASTAP.
The elected as well as the appointed members of the board will elect a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary General and other functions within the board at their first meeting.