Chloé Déchery is a performance-maker, writer and currently Lecturer in Theatre Studies at Paris 8 University, after lecturing in the UK for 10 years (Queen Mary University, Goldsmith University, Surrey University). She has a PhD from Paris 10 University (Everyday Corporeality: Bodies on Stage in Contemporary French and English Performance 1991-2011) and is currently working on a book entitled Performing Collaboration in Solo Performance: A Duet Without You and Practice-as-Research (Intellect, 2018). Her interests include : Contemporary theatre and performance (France/UK/Europe) / body and embodiment in performance / authorship, collaboration and collectivity / interartistic and interdisciplinary performance / creative processes / performance documentation, archive and performance re-enactment / ecology and atmosphere in performance / creative labour and the artist-as-entrepreneur / practice-as-research