Knut Ove Arntzen born 1950, professor of theatre studies (Section for theatre studies at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway); free lance theatre critic at the paper Arbeiderbladet in Oslo, 1976-1986, scientific consultant to the Bergen International Theatre.
Participating in planning and running the Drama Course at the Writing Academy of Hordaland County in Bergen, visiting professor at different universities (Lithuania, Antwerpen-Wilrijk, Belgium and Germany and so on); participated in many international conferences (University of Glasgow, Amsterdam, Copenhagen); published a series of articles analyzing development in the scope of a visual kind of dramaturgy and post-mainstream, cooperated in seminars at the Eurokaz festival with Gordana Vnuk; 1997 and 1998 attended conferences about new theatre and theatre research (Frankfurt, D; Puebla-Cholula, Mexico; Johannesburg, South Africa; Canterbury, UK); presented “Baktruppen” at the Hong Kong Arts Centre, China and several lectures about new theatre developments, post-mainstream and site specific/ambient theatre in Germany, Austria and Finland; cultural studies conferences of Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies (INST), at different occasions. conference on Processes in Theatre, Art and Literature at the University of Bergen in September 2000 in cooperation with Bergen Cultural City and INST.; articles on visual kind of dramaturgy and post-mainstream developments in theatre and dance and hybrid art in different international periodicals and books. In 2007, publication of a book on Det marginale teater, Alvheim og Eide, Laksevåg ved Bergen (The Marginal Theatre, about ambient directing, and in 2009 co-editor and contributor to the book on Baktruppen: Performance Art by Baktruppen, Oslo: Kontur Forlag). Visiting lecturer to the Theatre Studies, University of Copenhagen in 2015 and invited to a residency at Forsøgsstationen, Copenhagen, 2014/2015.
Latest conference participation : Conference on humanioria and science at the Université de Yaoundé I, Cameron in March 2016, and ANTS (Association of Nordic Theatre Studies), Århus, May 2017.
University home page : Knut Ove
Bergen, Norway
University of Bergen, Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, Cluster: Theatre Studies, former: Department of Cultural Studies and Art History, Department of Theatre Studies (Teatervitenskapelig insitutt).