Helga Finter was Professor of Aesthetics and History of Theatre at the University of Giessen’s Institute of Applied Theatre Studies for twenty years. Besides a rich teaching and research experience, she curated the Institute’s invitation programme of theatre artists (among them Richard Schechner, Richard Foreman, Lee Breuer, Danièle Huillet /Jean Marie Straub, Marina Abramovic, Mathias Langhoff) and organised interdisciplinary international conferences, such as on the politics of images after 9/11. She gave seminaries at the universities of Venice, Rome, Sao Paolo, Strasbourg, at the Collège de Philosophie, Paris, and has been visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame, U.S.A. She founded the book collection theaomai with the publisher Peter Lang (PL academic). Her interest in theatre investigates the social and psychical concerns of theatre and the impact of its aesthetic forms.
See her full bio-bibliography at www.uni-giessen.de/InstituteforAppliedTheatreStudies/Staff/Former Staff/Professors emeritus