Claudio Longhi is currently the director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa. From 1 January 2017 to 30 November 2020, he held the role of artistic director at the Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione. He is also full Professor (on leave from 1 January 2017) for History of Direction and Theory of Direction for the Department of Visual, Performing and Media Arts at the University of Bologna. He has published more than one hundred articles on the history of direction, the history of the actor, the evolution of contemporary dramaturgy and the Italian theatrical system. His academic career has run parallel with his activity in the world of theatre, operating initially in the field of directing and audience education, to then widen his scope to organisational areas. Beginning in 1999, he directed many productions for leading Italian theatrical institutions (Teatro di Roma, Teatro de Gli Incamminati, Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Teatro Stabile di Torino, Teatro Due di Parma, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, ERT Fondazione). He has created and curated audience education projects and, since 2008, he has been creating, organising and managing participatory theatrical projects.