EASTAP23 Conference Registration Now Open
We are delighted to let you know that the EASTAP23 Conference registration is now open via the conference website, https://conferences.au.dk/eastap23.
The deadline to register for the conference is 31 March 2023. While it will still be possible to register to attend the conference as an auditor after 31 March, some of our registration options will no longer be available after this date.
We also want to remind you that the EASTAP23 conference at Aarhus University will take place simultaneously with the IETM Plenary, the international ILT theatre festival, and the International Literature Festival LiteratureXChange. We therefore expect hotel spaces and accommodation to be in very high demand between 12–18 June 2023. Do book your travel and accommodation early. Information about special EASTAP deals with Aarhus hotels is available on the conference website.
This year’s conference, organised by EASTAP and the Department of Dramaturgy at Aarhus University, promises to be a wonderful event. We look forward to seeing you in Aarhus!