Online volume Creating for the stage and other spaces: questioning practices and theories.
Dearest Colleagues,
We are glad to finally forward to you the links through which you can download the online volume Creating for the stage and other spaces: questioning practices and theories. Essays and contributions from the Third EASTAP Conference 2020.
Working on the texts issuing from a Conference that has not been held may seem unusual, but in this case such an editorial commitment has been a duty and a necessity because it allowed us to draw from the cultural richness of the present a strong sign of hope for our common future.
Best regards,
Gerardo Guccini, Claudio Longhi, and Daniele Vianello
url to the contribution
direct url to the pdf
url to the editorial series
Très chers collègues,
Nous avons enfin le plaisir de vous envoyer des liens internet qui vous permettront de télécharger le volume Creating for the stage and other spaces: questioning practices and theories. Essays and contributions from the Third EASTAP Conference 2020.
Travailler sur les textes d’un Congrès qui n’a pas eu lieu peut paraître inhabituel, mais un tel engagement éditorial était un devoir et une nécessité pour nous car il a nous permis de retirer de cette richesse culturelle un fort signe d’espoir pour notre avenir commun.
Bien amicalement
Gerardo Guccini, Claudio Longhi et Daniele Vianello
url du volume
url vers le pdf
url de la collection
Carissimi Colleghi,
Abbiamo finalmente il piacere di inoltrarvi i link grazie ai quali potrete scaricare il volume Creating for the stage and other spaces: questioning practices and theories. Essays and contributions from the Third EASTAP Conference 2020.
Lavorare sui testi suscitati da un Convegno non fatto può apparire inusuale, in questo caso però tale impegno editoriale è stato doveroso e necessario perché ha permesso di ricavare dalla ricchezza culturale del presente un forte segno di speranza per il nostro comune futuro.
Un caro saluto
Gerardo Guccini, Claudio Longhi e Daniele Vianello
url del contributo
url diretta al pdf
url della collana