The database has been designed with the purpose of making any scientific journal on theatre quickly and extensively accessible. The archive includes both journals that are still being edited and journals that have been discontinued from the year 2000 onwards.
This initiative stems from the pilot project on Italian journals promoted and co-financed by CUT and FIRT-IFTR, thanks to the efforts and commitment of Prof. Christopher Balme and Prof. Franco Perrelli, presidents of the two associations at that time.
It now provides an online international archive which includes – for each catalogued journal – the following data: title, description (history, director, projects) creation date (and closure date, where applicable) frequency of publication, name of the publisher and/or on-line print indication, language, country, peer reviews, URL and ISSN.
The structure of the database and the data related to Italian journals are the result of the collective work carried out by the “Commissione riviste e internazionalizzazione” (Journals and internationalization committee) of the CUT. The scope of the database is international. It connects theatre journals from different countries, and allows users to access their official websites, as well as relevant editorial contents – such as history, indexes and possibly texts – by providing their URL.
This initiative, now renewed and further developed by both CUT and EASTAP, aims to complete and update the census of European and international theatre journals.
Gerardo Guccini and Daniele Vianello
This project is cofinanced by EASTAP- CUT- IFTR